580 White Plains Rd

#210, Tarrytown, NY 10591

+1 (929) 4796868

24/7 Customer Support

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

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+1 (929) 4796868



At Allen Meneley Schumann Prominent Medical Equipment, our commitment to quality is uncompromising. With effective quality systems and stringent quality measures in place

Unwavering Quality

At Allen Meneley Schumann Prominent Medical Equipment, our commitment to quality is uncompromising. With effective quality systems and stringent quality measures in place, we have cultivated an environment of responsibility and empowerment in which every member of our team has ownership of the quality control process and follows strict accountability guidelines. Quality is continually assessed through internal monitoring as well as comprehensive audits conducted by customers and independent auditors.

Certified for Peace of Mind

Allen Meneley Schumann Prominent Medical Equipment is certified to ISO 14385 standards through The British Standards Institution (BSI). 
